Dear sisters, it is a pleasure to share with you our diverse encounters celebrated in 2020 about reflections sent by the sisters of the formation team.

We met in the community of novitiate of the borough of Mont Ngafula in Cite Pumbu. The community of novitiate forms the frontier between the Diocese of Kinshasa and Kisantu, where the sisters perform their pastoral work. 

We reflected about three topics:

  1. The road to maturiry
  2. Growing up in faith and experience of God
  3. The art of growing in the identity of MDR.

These topics were invitations for us to build our person in all the dimensions of life. And they allowed us to revise our personal history through the view of the faith and the congregation. We felt children of Monsenor Zubieta and Ascension Nicol, we try to be loyal to the Charisma they left and following our missionary vocation with the same generosity, compassion, dedication and audacity they lived.

We understand faith as the experience of a unique encounter with the mystery. Also, it is a relationship, a communication, a grace that God has put in us for listening to him and give him our reply. Only internal silence helps us to encounter God in this restless world full of noise.

We ended up by saying that maturity has nothing to do with the experience of life. It is rather an internal trip that each of us lives daily.

The encounters were for us the best moments of grace and sharing full of life in the sense that each of us felt we were called to serve. We continue exploring these rewarding topics in our personal life, communitarian and in our apostolate circles.

My sisters, we wish you our best wishes of peace, joy and “love without limit” in this year of the centenarian of our founding father’s entrance to heaven.

Sister NTUMBA Thérèse

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