- Hnasmdro
- mayo 17, 2021
- MDR Experiences
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Novitiate experience – 2nd year
“The Lord is my light and my Salvation, whom I shall fear (Ps. 27)”.
By this we mean that the Lord is the source of everything and, therefore, we place all our trust in Him at every moment of our life and vocational journey.
Dear Sisters,
We, the second-year novices, are happy to share with the sisters of the congregation our experience of two months since we entered the second year of the novitiate.
“The novitiate is the fundamental stage of formation Its aim is to deepen the specific values of our religious and missionary life by means of study and prayer in a more demanding community commitment”, as it is stated in art. 74 of our Constitutions. Here we are well prepared to respond to the call of Christ and to go each day giving a free and conscientious answer, which places us in the total availability for the service of the Kingdom of God, as St. Paul exhorts us in his epistle to 1 Cor. 9,6. By this we mean that the first canonical year was for us a good experience of integration and much discovery, which offered us much knowledge and spiritual experience that is enabling us to put all of us into action in the mission.
Our transition to the second year was celebrated on February 23rd of this year, the day before I in which we celebrate the feast of our Mother Foundress, Ascension Nicol. Before our entrance we had a retreat in which we reflected on the meaning and significance of the word Exodus which is the passage of the Israelites to the Promised Land and what this experience also means for us in this stage of transition to the second year. During these two months of our journey, we have lived and are living good and significant moments of our formation. And the opening of pastoral activities in the parish is allowing us to learn more from the people. In the classes we are acquiring more knowledge. We are enjoying this formation because it is enabling us to clarify our vocation, to transform and form ourselves as competent and capable persons at all spiritual, intellectual, social, and personal levels. Our catechetical ministry is being carried out in the parish in the Christian communities every Saturday afternoon and on Sunday afternoons we visit the families and the most needy.
We are also learning how to take care of the kitchen garden, sowing various plants, watering, weeding to support our food. In short, this is a time of much learning.
The Lord has worked wonders in me, holy is his name. With this we want to thank God for the gift of life and of our vocation. We also want to thank the General Council, the formation team and all the sisters who directly or indirectly have supported us with your prayers, affection and attention in every way for our growth.
Through the intercession of our father founder Ramon Zubieta and of our Mother Ascension Nicol and all the saints of the Dominican order, with the support of God and the Sisters, we want to deepen and grow more and more in prayer, contemplation, study, work, fraternal love, dialogue, unity, attention, and service for the good of the congregation and the mission.
With embrace
Novices: Ermelinda José & Laurette Kuzenzama