17th of May
- Hnasmdro
- mayo 17, 2022
- 0
- 535

Yesterday, our dear Sister Geraldina accompanied us with THEOLOGICAL ILLUMINATION for the dimensions of MISSION AND FORMATION. In this journey of Chapter works, we follow the same methodology as what was then utilized for SPIRITUALITY and COMMUNITY, highlighted principal elements that appeared as responses for the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT Analysis), so also with respect to this case, when the group work was done, then, plenary.
For us, it is very important to remain in defining concepts and expressions, so it would be better to understand the words we want to use in our general planning 2022.That is why, this afternoon, we also dedicated an open dialogue where we can clear out some of the terminologies with reference to mission: missionary sending, congregational project, missionary exchange, temporal missionary experience, change of province, etc. In all those mentioned, we were enlightened that, the most essential aspect is that consecration to God and to the brothers and sisters, through our religious profession, in availability, commitment and letting go which disposes us to be itinerant. But, at the same time, it is indeed necessary for us to point out details which brings us into clarifying some practical queries arising from this act of sending sisters.
Jesus is our brother, friend, teacher, confidant… Show us your way, we want to follow you with our whole heart, with our minds and all our strength.