You transfigure the disfigured… Hnasmdro abril 4, 2023 MDR Experiences 0 349 Let us climb the mountain with you,our humanity longs to be transfigured,embraced in its woundillumined in its nightsheltered in its homelessnesslistened to in its groaningcaressed in its limithealed in its heartbreaktransfigured in its desolation.May the faces disfiguredby war and hungerbe transfigured by you.May the disfigured facesof migrants at the bordersbe illuminated by your hope.May no face be invisibleto our gaze.We need your lightto transform our facesand in every face we see a brother/sister.We need your voice to envelop us,your restlessness to mobilize us.Transform our heartsto weave the threads of communionin our small and brief existence,and as long as our pilgrimage lastswe hope that Love will transform to be fully illumined.Amen.Sister Jacqueline Sothers MDR Compartir esta publicacion