- Hnasmdro
- mayo 6, 2024
- MDR Experiences
- 0
- 182

From the first day that Sister Geraldina communicated to us of the place where each one of us should go for the mission, my heart was full of joy and enthusiasm to know Peru (Holy Land). In fact, this communication seemed to me like a dream, I wasn’t calm until we traveled. This trip is for me an opportunity to deepen more my vocation, what I have learned about the Congregation and to discover in its totality, of the change that took place and also to know the Peruvian people.
We arrived in Lima in the month of February, with a warm welcome from the sisters of the Isabel Araus Community where we rested very well. The next day, we visited the community, the College and were introduced to the teachers of the College of Jesus. In just one week we visited three communities, we started with El Patrocinio, the first community where Mother Ascension and other sisters arrived. In the chapter hall are the remains of Father Ramon Zubieta and in the crypt the ashes of the deceased sisters. In this community there are older sisters, some of them sick and others active; we were very well received and with much affection for them.
The second community we visited was Chaclacayo, community of the older sisters, we were very well received, and the sisters reacted in the same way as the Patrocinio sisters, they wanted us to spend the night in the community. The third community was Huacho, the community where the novitiate was, where the Founding Father built the Santa Rosa College, near the Pacific Ocean, how beautiful! Here, we stayed for three days with the sisters, a novice and six aspirants who had their retreat. At the end of their retreat, we went for a walk, bathed in the sea, ate and then danced to AFRICAN and PERUVIAN rhythms. It was nice.
After a few weeks, we went downtown to visit the Dominican Friars’ convent, where St. Martin de Porres lived, we saw his skull, St. John Masias, and St. Rose of Lima, the parish, the well and the place where she prayed. It was a nice day and also excited to see with my own eyes.

On February 29, we had a day of integration, we introduced ourselves to get to know each other before starting classes, On this day, we met younger sisters from Congo, what a joy it gave us! On March 1, we continued with the Eucharistic celebration, and we started the CONFER on January 4. In spite of the language, I am enjoying the subjects relating them to my own history, vocation and also to the present reality. We are also following other Bible and Synodality classes on YouTube.
A big thank you to the provincial team and all the sisters of the province Ramon Zubieta and Les for their collaboration, welcome, simplicity and mercy, for accepting to open the doors so that we can enjoy this experience, in a country where the people are very friendly and sociable. I have so much to say, but I lack the words to describe it, I think that with time they will come out of my mouth to write a new story with the same source. Blessing to each of you little sisters!