POEM TO FATHER RAMÓN ZUBIETA Hnasmdro noviembre 12, 2024 MDR Experiences 0 27 Oh Father Ramón ZubietaI admire your gestures of love for the people of Peru.How did you manage to unite yourself with God to discover the cry of this people?I admire your determination to go so far, where God was waiting for you.Can we put this determination into practice or continue it today?It helps us to be firm and to trust in God.He extends his hand over us so that we have that determination toachieve love and trust in him.Intercede for us, so that today we can also value the dignity of thehuman being of our time, and give him more importance in society.I thank God for having given you as a father, may he help usreveal to us the challenges of our time and to be alive and attentive tocontinue the work that you yourself have begun. AgnêsNoviciado Viana – AngolaFebrero de 2018 Compartir esta publicacion