Letter N°1 to Jesus about my Spiritual Accompaniment

Dear Brother Jesus of Nazareth, I am delighted to greet you.  My name is Teresa Ngoie Mbula, I am a nun of the Congregation of the Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Rosary, of Congolese nationality. The reason for communicating with you by this means is to share with you in a simple and profound way my spiritual experience. My spiritual process, my spiritual progress, the manifestation of God and the application of what I have learned in my life. 

I have experienced the manifestation of God in life.

The fundamental question in my Spiritual Experience has always been and will always be: What does God want in my life and how can I do His will?  It is a question that touches my vocation, my life, my spiritual process of relationship with God and with others.  Considering that it is an encounter of two persons (the person who accompanies and the one accompanied); a service of love, of listening to God and to the person accompanied, a service of trust, of sharing, of security, of transparency and openness. It helped me to understand that accompanying and being accompanied is a grace, a gift from God, a task, a sign from God, a relief that helps to see the pain of the person accompanied with the eyes of God, a place of healing of the heart, of forgiving others and myself. It allowed me to be attentive to God’s voice, to let myself be helped, to know how to listen deeply without judging God’s will for myself. I believe that a primordial thing was to be able to probe my intimacy, my interiority, to recognize what pleases me, what shocks me, what frightens me and what gives me joy.  

However, dear Brother Jesus, one of the difficulties I have is to talk about myself, to share my fragility. If it is not easy for me to do so, I can imagine how difficult it is to listen to the vulnerability of the other. That is where I think that in accompaniment, it is God himself who is present in the person who accompanies: it is a grace, it is a privilege to enter the sacred space of the person, it is a story of God’s love.  It impresses me, it teaches me to be attentive to God’s will, to be open to listen to others, to have a heart for others and an inner availability to listen without judging or condemning God and the person being accompanied.

Therefore, Brother Jesus, the accompaniment helped me to be transparent and sincere to listen to God’s will in my life, to discern and to make decisions. It is a theme that makes me return at the same time to myself, to become aware that it is not simply a gift from God, but it is also a task in this vocation as a Dominican Missionary Sister of the Rosary. To be able to sit and listen to my sisters and brothers with all my heart, giving witness to the love of God in each one, with deep humility of knowing that I am a spokesperson of the will of God in the life of the other and in my own. Dear brother Jesus, without further ado, waiting for your response in my life and in others, I send you a very strong embrace.                                                                          Teresa Ngoie Mbula

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