“Father Zubieta is on his knees and bends himself with the docility of a lamb in front of the slaughterman and the renegade minister Katipunam, recovered from the sudden fear with the example of the victim starts his task and doubles his courage.”
“Dogs surround me; a pack of evildoers closes in on me. But you, LORD, do not stay far off; my strength, come quickly to help me.” (Psalm 22)
From the darkness
Of this prison
I clamor for you, Oh my God.
Listen to my voice,
My life hangs by thread,
But I know that I’m in your hands.
Do not abandon your son
Your misionary man
In this bitter hour.
We are carried
As lambs to the slaughterhouse
Our hands are tied
The heart sores.
Riflemen intimidate us
We forgive them,
They are our brothers as well.
Tortures and taunts do not get
To weaken our faith in you.
I embrace your cross
And I receive communion with you in pain.
I offer my weak, naked,
Starving and tired body.
You are my stone,
My fortress from my tender
Infancy in Arguedas.
Has the hour of martyrdom arrived?
Of offering my blood for you?
Will this be my Tonkin?
My breviary accompanies me,
My head rests on it,
How many hits took
For not being a good pillow!
But it consoled me
In my distressed life!
Thank you my God
For your compassion,
Because in the middle of the horror,
Modest people
Bring us food and clothes.
Because we stand ourselves as
Brothers for not giving up.
Oh Virgen del Yugo
Assist me with your
Maternal love.
Made me to be faithful to your son until the end.