Believe me when I tell you that seeing Blessed Ascension Nicol and how she is an important part of Dominican history in Caleruega, a place where St. Dominic de Guzman also told us his beautiful story, made me realize that we Dominicans, were breaking frontiers, and that there were many more of us willing to do things well. Because, in our journey, in every moment that I had the opportunity to meet, to talk with each one of the Dominican sisters in Spain, when I laughed and enjoyed the stories of Bro Felix, when I was able to talk and reflect together with young people like me, part of the Dominican family, I could see in it as reflected in the beautiful phrase that I heard for the first time when I was just a child, because for all of us, for me and for them “it is not enough to do good, it is necessary to do it well”.
WYD Pilgrim, a student Antonia Ábalos.
August 2023