The sisters at Nicol Bhavan, Kawant, Gujarat India are glad to share their noble work with women. The community is situated at the tribal areas- indigenous people. The tribe is called “Rathwa Tribes” they are economically and socially backward community as they are illiterate and are caught up in their traditional taboos, magic and social norms which do not allow them to develop or empower their community.

The sisters of this community have launched into this area with the vision of empowering these people especially the women and girls by providing them opportunities to explore through education and economic empowerment.  The young girls are given shelter at our Boarding to complete their studies and the adolescent girls and women are trained in “Basic Tailoring course” that helps them to get economically empowered and support their families.  At the village levels, the women are formed into small Self-Help Groups for Monthly saving through which they are independent to spend for themselves and for their family needs.  The women are given trainings on various topics that enhances their skills and knowledge.

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