The word means, “Advantage of someone, that others, do not enjoy”.
In these times we live in, there are real facts, so hard, so incomprehensible that make us think of privileged people. Who? and why? who are not privileged? So many people, families immigrating from the places where they were born and lived, now on their way to other countries where …they are not well received, their arrival makes them uncomfortable, they are not wanted, they are denied a space and human conditions to stay and not even to be well.
They are not, those who have to be living in wars without knowing why they are killed, for what cause is that war? why is it that nobody is able to prevent it? why are they killed and hated? why so many, why them? what have they done? what do they have to do or have left to do? why, why? Why so much violence against women, mistreatment, contempt, rapes, deaths? why them? Why so many children, raped, mistreated, frightened, unhappy, threatened, hungry, with sad looks, abandoned? Why do Islamic countries with their fanaticism oppress so many women, all their women, with incomprehensible rules and customary laws? Why so many people ignored from their partners, from their own families, silenced, living in continuous darkness? Why so many high suicide rates? And …. us? Why not me? why not? what and why the “privilege”? what happens in me? I see, I hear, I read, I inform myself, I don’t agree and it doesn’t happen to me? What have I done? What have so many thousands of suffering people done? Who gave us the privilege of being privileged? Who sustains us? Who decides for everyone’s lives?