- Hnasmdro
- mayo 23, 2023
- MDR Experiences
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- 349
What a joy to know that Jesus Christ guides us at all times in this great mission which is to make him known and loved. In this Easter season, Jesus reveals himself even more and sends us to proclaim the Good News, to all saying: how good it is to follow the risen Master and how good it is to be part of this family that proclaims the Savior, following in his footsteps as Our Fathers Ramon Zubieta and Ascension Nicol did.
I would like to share a little about my journey here in the province of Huila, in the Ramon Zubieta Community of Casa Verde.
I am Angelina Tereia Gabriel, a postulant of the Missionary Dominican Sisters of the Rosary. For me, the Postulancy is indeed the period that precedes the novitiate which allows us to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. It formally begins when the candidate accepts to live the spirituality of the Congregation. As God said: “He who follows me will find life and obtain the blessings of the Lord” (Prv. 8:35).
The first days were of integration with the group of postulants in the new reality, which goes from the vegetation of nature to the community environment. Now life begins in earnest from the classes at home and in the Inter-Postulancy, which is proving to be very good and profitable; I am learning a lot and I realize how important the classes are both for the mission and for living together in society and culture. We have seven subjects, taught two days a week. Faced with this experience of living with young graduates, teachers and sisters from different cultures, I can say that I left one family, but I found another!
In the pastoral field, I accompanied the group of young people in the chapel of St. Peter, giving reflection meetings and in the preparation of the liturgy on Saturdays and Sundays, and in the study of the Bible with the aim of contributing something towards strengthening our faith. What impresses me the most is the good number of children and young people in the catechesis every Sunday. They have the Mass only once a month, because as the saying goes: “the harvest is great and the workers are few”.
“If anyone would follow me, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Mt 16. 24). We are called to work with people, so our mission is to reach out to these people who need us so much. This year, we have a school which has started its first steps. Being a postulant, within the formative process, I try to give a hand in the waiting points with the students and in caring the school environment.
The human being is called to live and share in a group as social beings. That is why, for me it is possible to walk and live with different people, customs, habits to form an intercultural community and make the impossible possible.
In the face of all these, I remain grateful for all and I do want to thank my MDR sisters for helping me to deepen and grow in my formation process. I feel more and more motivated to live the Spirit of Dominic of Guzman.
My affectionate embrace to all the sisters of the Congregation, may the Risen Jesus bless you.
With love Angelina Tereia Gabriel, Postulant.
Lubango – Angola