Nicol Bhavan boarding
- Hnasmdro
- abril 17, 2023
- MDR Experiences
- 0
- 422

“You have to dream before your dream comes true”., said Abdul Kalam. The tribal belt of Kawant dares to dream breaking their stereotypical societal barriers by educating their daughters. We the Dominican Sisters join hands with them by providing the facility to stay at Nicol Bhavan Boarding and study. The boarding began on 12th June 2022 with ninety-seven girls from different villages studying from grade 2 to 10 of Gujrati and English medium of instructions at Saint Dominic’s and Don Bosco High School respectively.
Nicol Bhavan Boarding began in 1991 with 19 girls from different villages with the initiative of Sr. Zita and other sisters. 31 years are gone by, and it must have been very hard for the sisters to make villagers to understand and convince to educate the girl child. In the past 31 years nearly 4500 girls have gone from the boarding. Today we feel proud that all the girls are self-sufficient and some of them share a good post too leaving an example for others.
After the corona virus, the life began normal in 2023. The boarding’s welcoming ceremony felt them feel at home. The various activities and celebrations do nurture and develop as well polish their skills and talents. The values of Prayer, respect to the elders and one another, to help out to others, to understand and be kind as well as to speak the Truth are always cultivated in them. The leadership qualities are brought out as the Boarding Council is formed of study, food, electricity, cultural activities, sports etc captain are elected. They do their duties very well. The responsibility toward the mother earth and the love for environment to keep intact the seminars and talks are organized. The academic is the prime motive and thus every evening the special coaching is taken by the various sisters of the community. They are being provided with clean surrounding and nutritious food explaining the importance of cleanliness.
The exam results are evaluated, and one to one guidance is given. They are being encouraged to thank God for the various gifts and thus the various festivals celebrations like Teacher’s Day, Diwali, Christmas, Holi and some more are made part of their timetable. The boarders are also made aware about the contribution of their parents and Jamliben to bring out the best to reward all the hard work. The sports also play an important role and thus every day an hour of games is part of the timetable. All the girls are very talents and responsible. They are also taught to live with self-respect expressing their themselves firmly. We feel very proud to see them growing and we try to help them in every aspect.
We thank parents for the lovely step taken to educate their daughters. We request the parents to allow them to reach the height as per their interest and the capabilities. Stay with head high of self-respect creating paths where others walk. That is what our Patron Bl. Ascension Nicol Goni teaches us. May Bl Nicol pray for us.
Sr. Rohini Jadav O.P.
Nicol Bhavan
“The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with those who matter to you.”