11th of June

11th of June

After a great a journey together, in which we have shared dreams, hopes, challenges and commitments, we have reached the end of our XXI General Chapter: “Interculturality, Gift for Life and Mission”. The sending off words of our sister Raquel Gil, General Coordinator, closed this event. These words of gratitude were addressed to all the capitular sisters, sisters of the Congregation and all those who contributed to making this chapter

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9th of June

9th of June

On this very day, we dedicated the whole day for the last revision and approval of the “Protocol to prevent, act and eradicate situations of sexual abuse of children, adolescents and vulnerable adults” and the document “Volunteer Incorporation Agreement”. We finalized the agreements for this General Planning 2022-2028. Our thanks go to the moderators who, together with the Coordinating Team of this General Chapter, animated and coordinated the entire Chapter

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8th of June

8th of June

The sisters gathered and united in prayer, taking into account the message of Jesus who, like Peter, are asked to look back into the depth of the heart, “Do you love me? Only from the love of a friend and from the ideal of agape love can we continue to commit ourselves to the mission entrusted to us, to “feed my sheep” who cry out for respect, justice and dignity,

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7th of June

7th of June

In a special way, united in one heart, we welcome the new day giving thanks to the Spirit of God who renews our confidence and hope, particularly today, in the election of our General Coordinator. We began by discussing the number of councilors, after which, 5 councilors were approved. Then, in an atmosphere of openness, trust, and freedom, we proceeded to the election of the General Coordinator right after reading

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6th of June

6th of June

These past weeks were days of intense work and so, precisely today, motivated by prayer, we disposed ourselves to this day of retreat, set our whole being to be receptive to God´s ways and to let his light and wisdom accompany us in view of the election of the new General Council. With full trust in God, and as one family, we want to let ourselves to be guided by

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3rd of June

3rd of June

All day, we have dedicated the whole time to ECONOMY, worked in groups and later to plenary for the General Objective, Specific Objective and Actions trying to identify the needs and weaknesses in this dimension. The sisters present sought out on how to respond to all these projected activities within the span of six years, optimizing our resources and searching for alternatives. All were realized in a fraternal ambiance and

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2nd of June

2nd of June

The Morning Praise opened us up to a new day making a grateful memory that it has been a month ago that we started here the General Chapter. As a preparation for the Feast of the Pentecost, we ask for the gift of Knowledge, to enable us to see everything as God does. Also, to unite ourselves in prayer and solidarity with the family of our sister Mercedes Ravelo, from

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1st of June

1st of June

We have started the day with the Eucharist invoking the presence of the Spirit of God, so that the gift of His blessings, would accompany our General Chapter. Today´s Gospel, we are reminded of the prayer of Jesus: “Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one” (Jn 17,11b). An invitation to live the universal fraternity, that unity enriched by its

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31st of May

31st of May

The narrative of Mary´s visit to her cousin Elizabeth, presented before us in today´s Gospel, on the Feast of the Visitation of Mary, invited us to contemplate on the meeting of two women who were overjoyed for God´s love has opted for the humble. He made of this meeting, a manifestation of service, a song of gratitude and the care for life. In today´s Eucharist, we join in prayers and

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30th of May

30th of May

After a grateful day of rest, we continued the Chapter works. This week corresponds to work on the Structural Innovation of the dimensions of Government and Economy. The Morning Prayers has helped us in entering the dynamics of openness and listening to God so that His spirit will renew our mind, our hearts, our way of looking at the context of the world. All these, unite us in prayer in

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