2nd of May
- Hnasmdro
- mayo 3, 2022
- 0
- 509

Today we commence with great joy and enthusiasm our XXi General Chapter with the theme: Gift for life and mission”. The modern technologies have allowed a Live coverage of the Eucharistic celebration, to be connected with our sisters, friends from different parts of the world (the celebration can be viewed from Facebook Misioneras Dominicas del Rosario).
The different moments of the Eucharist were introduced to us into the profundity of the coming together of the sisters towards listening to God and the new signs of realities today. In this celebration, we have expressed our faith from the perspective of the riches of our interculturality, the very backbone of our Chapter.
Presided by Fray Javier Carvallo OP, from his reflections have shared to us three reasons which gives depth: be born again, open new horizon and embrace each other. In this art of being born again, he emphasized that it does not constitute in dying but in learning how to be born again with humility and decision. In inviting towards opening new horizons, he was reminded o the words of Helder Camara:” When you dream alone, it is just one dream; when you dream with others, it’s the beginning of a reality. And to end, despite of the Live coverage was an alternative, it can never replace the presence, the nearness, and embraces.
After a hearty agape, with the sisters of the different communities around, we were gathered in the Chapter Hall to listen to the greetings of Sr. Raquel Gil Mas, our General Coordinator. We were prompted that may this not just be one General Chapter more, in not just letting tine go by or put patches or repetitions. To walk “together with one heart and one sense, evaluate with humility, sincerity and clarity the different dimensions of our consecrated life”. Discern, construct bridges of communion, reminding us of who we are and where do we yearn to go, to conquer fear, to leap from the limits and advance from the synodality, belongingness and interculturality that come as a paradigm of our life.
We continued with the habitual lecture from some points of our Constitutions, passed on the list of sisters who are members of the Chapter, approvals of the Guidelines and election of Coordinating Team:
- Raquel Gil (President)
- Zully Rojas and Estibaliz Ladron de Guevarra
- Marie Claire and Sylvia Aranha
In the afternoon, in working by groups, we had one dynamic of integration in which we shared the expectations in this Chapter and the congregational dreams. We have realized the common experiences which were true in all the groups.
Some of the ideas are:
- We feel and walk together as a family
- That our communities would be places of reference for the young and other people
- To enjoy unity from the perspective of valuing these who are different
- Break frontiers, think together, share desires and sentiments
- Relive the missionary ardor with the suffering humanity
- Attitude of hope and missionary disposition
- A good dosis of humor as we go along
Thanks to everyone who accompany from the distance with their prayers and those who make themselves one with us through the network of communications. Each day, we will offer you a summary or a brief update of the Chapter.